Metacognition: 10 resources & courses worth sharing

In addition to our metacognition webinar, we’ve highlighted a range of other courses and resources we thought you’d find helpful.  

  1. Self-Regulated Learning & Metacognition – whole school approach (webinar)
  2. Develop Pupils’ Metacognition and Self-Regulation to Increase Their Independence (on-demand course)
  3. EEF recommendations on metacognition (report and guides)
  4. Metacognition: Classroom strategies (SecEd knowledge bank article)
  5. Dialogic Teaching – Improving children’s learning by improving the quality of classroom talk (EEF summary)
  6. A Dialogic Teaching Companion (book to support implementation)
  7. Grammar for Writing (EEF project summary. Teacher resources here)
  8. Grammar for Writing (CPD & teaching resources via University of Exeter)
  9. Teach for Long-Term Learning (on-demand learning pathway)
  10. The Complete Learner’s Toolkit: Metacognition and mindset (book inc lesson plans)

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