
  • 7 Modules

    Simple Self-Soothe Strategies

    This course walks you through a range of practical strategies that can be used by adults or children in order to create a sense of relaxation and wellbeing.  Each strategy stands alone, though there is huge benefit to learning a range of strategies for use in different situations. It is best to learn self-soothe strategies at a time of relative peace and calm and to become familiar with them so that they can be turned to at times of stress in order to bring some relief.  The ideas are all simple and safe and can be practised alone or with the support of a trusted friend or adult.  Many of the ideas could be used in a group or class setting in order to help children to reset and ready themselves for learning following busy, noisy or unstructured periods in the day such as breaktimes and lunchtimes. This course has been developed by Dr Pooky Knightsmith, an internationally recognised mental health expert and author.
  • 12 Modules

    Manage your Mental Health as a New Teacher

    Teaching is a brilliantly rewarding but fiendishly challenging profession.  In this course we explore what every new and trainee teacher needs to understand about mental health in order both to promote their own wellbeing and also to be a support to students and colleagues.  The course is very wide ranging and whilst it’s primarily aimed at newly and recently qualified teachers, there are many universal themes here that would be beneficial to a wider range of staff. This course has been developed by Dr Pooky Knightsmith, an internationally recognised mental health expert and author and is based on a training session originally commissioned by the Harris Federation Teaching School Alliance.
  • 7 Modules

    Promote Positive Body Image

    Four practical strategies for promoting positive body image are explored in this course which aims to help school staff boost the self-esteem and body image of the children in their care.  The ideas translate to both primary and secondary school and are applicable to children or all genders. The course has been developed by Dr Pooky Knightsmith, former chair of the expert reference group on body image which reported into UK government and lead author of Department for Education funded guidance for PSHE teachers about promoting positive body image in learners.
  • 7 Modules

    Talk to Distressed Students in Your Tutor Group

    This course will boost your confidence in having difficult conversations with the children and young people in your care.  We consider how to talk about tricky topics, the power of saying thank and why and how you should listen to understand.  Whilst the course is aimed at form tutors, the ideas herein will be applicable for anyone keen to have supportive conversations with young people. This course has been developed by Dr Pooky Knightsmith, an internationally recognised mental health expert and author and is based on a course originally delivered as part of a cluster INSET day for a group of schools in the South East of England.
  • 6 Modules

    Communicate Calmly with a Distressed Child

    Communicating calmly is easier said that done when we are faced with a child is anxious, angry or aggressive.  This course walks you through some simple strategies to enable you to keep your cool and to outwardly be the supportive, calm adult that a child in distress needs even if you’re inwardly panicking or screaming!