DfE Accredited and Eligible To Be Fully Funded

For maintained schools in England through the DfE’s Senior Mental Health Lead grant

Create an Environment Where Staff Can Thrive

with the Human Kind Staff Wellbeing Award

Every school leader wants their staff to be happy and healthy, but sometimes that can be hard to achieve with high workloads, long hours and the everyday pressures of school life. We all recognise there’s more to be done, but with limited resources how can leaders drive meaningful change?

The Human Kind Award for staff wellbeing offers you a practical framework that empowers you to create an environment where staff thrive.

You’ll be supported all along the way with an experienced coach and our expert training. Plus, you’ll be able to benchmark yourself with similar schools and celebrate your progress through the assessment process.

Why Is a Focus on Staff Wellbeing So Important?

It Shows Staff You Value Them

Your staff give so much to the young people they teach and support. Focussing on staff wellbeing shows that you support and value their contribution to the life of the school.

Happy Staff Get Great Results

How can children achieve their full potential if the adults that teach and support them are stressed, exhausted and demotivated? Developing wellbeing creates an environment where staff can do their best every single day.

Less Recruitment Saves Money

The whole recruitment process – advertising, readvertising, interviewing and recruitment fees – can be incredibly expensive. Happy staff in good working environments are more likely to stay with you, helping you save thousands of pounds every year.

What's Involved in the Human Kind Staff Wellbeing Award?

A Rigorous, Evidence-Based Framework

The core of the award is our Staff Wellbeing Framework. Mapped against the Ofsted framework, the DfE Wellbeing Charter and the latest research from within schools and beyond it provides a wide range of recommended strategies to improve staff wellbeing in your school.

It’s not a ‘tick list’ and there’s lots of opportunity to work with your coach to determine how best to apply the approaches in your setting. Crucially, we focus not just on some of the symptoms of low staff wellbeing, but the key causes too.

All the Support to Help You Succeed

But we don’t only provide you with the key strategies to help develop staff wellbeing in your school – we also help you implement them. All of the way through the process you’ll have the support
of one of our experienced coaches. They’re all leaders who’ve ‘been there and done that’ and know what it’s like to drive change in schools . 

You’ll also have access to a range of training – some for you to help you lead strategic change across the school and some for staff to help them build key behaviours to improve their own wellbeing. 

Know Exactly Where You Are

Achieving the Human Kind award will give you the assurance that the key strategies to develop and maintain staff wellbeing are in place at your school.

But in addition we also provide you with a standardised wellbeing survey you can use on a termly basis with your staff. This enables you both to identify further opportunities for you to improve further and to benchmark your responses against other similar schools so you know exactly how effective your school’s approach is.

Celebrate Your Success!

Once you gain accreditation you’ll be able to include our logo on your website, your stationary and get a plaque to display in a prominent area of your school. 

You can also include the logo on your job advertisements to show everyone that you are serious about a health work-life balance and attract the very best candidates.

How the Process Works

We’ve designed Human Kind with your wellbeing in mind too. See how easy the process is using the arrows below.

It's Fully Funded for Eligible Settings

The Human Kind Staff Wellbeing Award is accredited the by DfE for using your Senior Mental Health Lead grant funding.

Am I Eligible for Funding?

To be eligible to funding you must be a maintained school in England who hasn’t yet claimed their grant. Or you must be a maintained school in England and the person who claimed your grant has now left the school or been promoted. The grant cover the entire £1,200 cost of accreditation.

What If I'm Not Eligible?

If you’re not eligible for funding that’s no problem. You can still access all the benefits of the award including the framework, coaching and training for just £1,200 for initial accreditation and £495 for reaccreditation.

If you have any questions about whether you're eligible we can help - just get in touch.​

Find Out More and Sign Up Now

We can only accept 20 schools on to each cohort. Sign up now!