Access Your Course Resources

Select your cohort from the list below and login to access your course resources for Developing the Role of the Senior Mental Health Lead

Online Courses for Maintained Schools and Colleges

Cohort 12

Starts July 2024

Cohort 11

Starts April 2024

Cohort 10

Starts January 2024

Cohort 9

Starts November 2023

Cohort 8

Starts July 2023

Cohort 7

Started April 2023

Not sure what cohort you’re in? Contact us.

Face to Face Courses for Maintained Schools and Colleges

Starts JULY 2024

Starts July 2024 in Newcastle, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and London

Starts June 2024

Starts June 2024 for Insignis Academy Trust

Starts MARch 2024

Starts March 2024 in Norwich, Birmingham and London

Starts Jan/Feb 2024

Starts Jan/Feb 2024 in Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham and London

Started November 2023

Starts November 2023 in Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and London