Staff Wellbeing: 14 courses and resources worth sharing

With staff wellbeing topping the concerns that leaders have talked to me about, here are some courses and resources to help you with this very important topic… I hope they’re helpful…if they are, please share them.

  1. Upcoming webinar:School Leaders: Looking after your own wellbeing (as well as everyone else’s)
  2. Webinar playback: Promoting the Wellbeing of Staff and Pupils at St Just Primary School
  3. Resource: Workplace wellbeing toolkit from MHFA England
  4. Book: A Toolbox of Wellbeing: Helpful strategies & activities for children, teens, their carers & teachers
  5. On-Demand: Manage your Mental Health as a New Teacher
  6. Book: Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in Early Years Staff: A Practical Guide for Looking after Yourself and Your Colleagues
  7. On-demand: How and why to create a Personal Wellbeing Action Plan
  8. Webinar playback: Staff Wellbeing Policies and Charters, What Works, What Doesn’t? What Next?
  9. Webinar playback:Staff Wellbeing at Redruth Secondary School
  10. On-Demand:Supporting the Wellbeing of Your Team of Support Staff
  11. On-Demand: Stay Mentally Well During COVID19
  12. On-Demand: How to stay mentally well at work
  13. Book: Cultures of Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools: Reflecting on Positive Case Studies 
  14. Book: The Wellbeing Toolkit: Sustaining, supporting and enabling school staff

Thank you for all that you’re doing for the children you work with and care for and remember, you matter too…

P.S. There is still time to book on my mental health leads session– it’s your chance to shape our programme and to bring your questions about the DfE funded training.

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