Humans need to connect to their physical world and the balance and rhythms that help to develop and maintain good mental health. In Japanese there is even a word for the therapeutic process of forest bathing “Shinrin yoku”, describing being calm and quiet amongst the trees. As we try to connect with children and young people, the environment plays a huge part in our entwined connection. Using outdoor space to connect, bond and develop play and functional skills is rewarding, calming and enables children to find deeper links to themselves and the world around them. The ‘Get Outside and Bond’ session will enable parents and those working with youngsters to develop a ready- to-use tool kit of activities and ideas to gain solid connections with children and young people. Providing understanding, skills and techniques which can be used for a lifetime of good healthy practices, these interventions build a process so simple we can start using it tomorrow.
Session Takeaways:
- An understanding of how nature plays a part in our biological rhythms which include healthy sleep, appetite, mental health and human wellbeing
- A ready-to-use tool kit to help us connect and support young people from early years through to university age young adults
- An affordable and accessible activities guide for all ages
This is a recording of a past webinar