Parents & Professionals Working Together to Understand & Overcome Barriers to Attendance

Working positively with parents and carers and maximising on opportunities to communicate even the smallest of victories can aid in enhancing parental engagement. When we get parents and carers on side, we are more likely to see improvements in student attendance. This webinar will enable you to delve more deeply into how we can achieve this in a way that doesn’t add significantly to our workloads.

This is a recording of a past webinar.

Working positively with parents and carers and maximising on opportunities to communicate even the smallest of victories can aid in enhancing parental engagement. When we get parents and carers on side, we are more likely to see improvements in student attendance. This webinar will enable you to delve more deeply into how we can achieve this in a way that doesn’t add significantly to our workloads.

Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 13 Modules
  • Course Certificate

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