Develop Your Knowledge & Understanding as a Teaching Assistant (TA)
This is a great course for all teaching assistants, especially those new to the role or new to a school, and helpful for supporting and training colleagues. The expectations around knowledge and understanding is shifting from training being ‘given’ to staff, to TA’s sharing responsibility to ensure their own knowledge is up to date. With support from the school TA’s should be looking to gain qualifications or experiences and from this, be able to demonstrate theses expertise in their role. Here we explore how TA’s may do this, where to look and what may be good routes to explore.
With over 20 years experience, Julie is a staunchly passionate and committed primary educator, having dedicated her career to training and school improvement. She travels nationally and internationally to support schools though evidence based research with subject specific, teaching pedagogies and other focus areas. She specialises in SEND and early language learning and still teaches in order to maintain a close connection pupils and the current themes in education.
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