Grieving Together – Supporting a SEND Community with Grief
This course looks at the types of grief that SEND communities can experience. It provides participants with information, advice, practical tips and resources to support their community of children/young people with the impact of grief.
Sarah Helton has worked in the Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND) field for 25 years. Sarah specialised as a teacher for children with Profound and Multiple Barriers to Learning.
Her experiences in special schools taught Sarah that life was precious and for some, far too short. Having seen a lack of acknowledgement and support for bereaved and grieving children with SEND, she decided to try and rectify this.
Sarah used her experience working with grieving children to write A Special Kind of Grief - The complete guide to supporting bereavement and grief in special schools and Remembering Lucy - a story book about loss and grief in a special school.
She now works as BackPocketTeacher - author, trainer and consultant in the field of child bereavement, specialising in the needs of bereaved children with SEND and in 2020 she began studying for a PhD in this field.
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